Icequake - SQLite 3 Query Browser, Dec. 15, 2006, iceeLyne.
Icequake - SQLite 3 Query Browser is a GUI application for exploring and manipulating SQLite3 database objects. IQK, is written in the DigitalMars D programming language with the DWT (D port of SWT) gui toolkit.
Feature List:
- [Explorer] Exploring database objects and their properties;
- [Console] Quick SQL command execution with flexible result displaying (text or result tab);
- [Editor] SQL script editing, (simple yet);
- [Editor] Execute script and show result in result tab, view cell data as text, hex or image;
- [Editor] Table records editing (insert, delete, change), (not completed yet);
- [Main] Regular expression (regexp support from DM or PCRE);
- [Main] Data import/export, (not implemented yet);
- ...
Icequake - IQK is released under the Lesser GNU Public Licence (LGPL), the main purpose of the project is to test/practice the D programming, DWT/SWT and SQLite, so it may be incomplete, containing bugs and may not reach the production quality, sorry for the unconvenience brought you, if any.